Fashion Product Review

Do you have a fashion product or service that you’d like to have reviewed? You’re in luck! Send us an email at and we will share our editorial guidelines and pricing. Thousands of people visit every day, we look forward to showcasing your product!


Today’s fashion brands face more competition than ever. The competition comes from many directions, including bricks and sticks retail stores, online shops, boutiques, and more. With all the competition, it’s difficult for a fashion brand to get its name out and bring awareness to its products. However, there is an effective method many fashion brands are choosing to use, and that’s the fashion product reviewer.

In this article, we’ll discuss what fashion product reviews are, how to write these reviews, and much more. Let’s get started!

What are Fashion Product Reviews?

Fashion product reviews are a process of offering honest experiences with various fashion brands and their products, such as specific garments. A fashion review is all about the details of a garment. For instance, you discuss the fitting, the colors, the quality of the garment and the materials it’s made with, and more.

The key to fashion product reviews is honesty. Giving a potential customer an honest review about a product or brand is essential. Without honesty and authenticity, reviews are useless. They do nothing for the brand and don’t provide the information that customers need and want.

Consider the fact that customers rely on product reviews to make a purchase decision. If a fashion product review is not honest and authentic, the customer may be pretty disappointed with the product they’ve ordered. The result is a bad review of the brand and its products. The company behind the brand loses revenue and its reputation when more people realize their products are not worth buying. All of this can result from a positive review when the product is truly not worth buying.

On the other hand, an honest, authentic review of the brand’s product may still result in a loss of revenue and reputation for the company. However, customers will trust the reviewer and their fashion product reviews. As a reviewer, it pays to be honest every time, and it’s the way to find success as a fashion product reviewer.

Why are Fashion Product Reviews Important?

Fashion product reviews are essential for a company and its fashion brand(s). Reviews are beneficial to customers and help them make decisions on the best products to buy. Fashion brands and retailers who adopt reviews can find a broader audience with the number of customers increasingly shopping online for clothing and other fashion items.

There are several benefits that come with fashion product reviews for apparel brands and retailers, including the following:

Increase Conversion

Fashion is a highly personal product to buy online. Many factors are considered when making a purchase decision on clothing or other items. The decision factors include size, fit, style, and quality. When shopping online, customers have a more difficult time accessing these factors online.

For instance, if a woman knows she usually wears a size 12 in jeans, how can she determine whether a particular pair of jeans will fit her body type? Or how can she tell if the jeans will hold up after being washed several times?

Fashion product reviews are essential. Reviews give online shoppers the confidence they need to convert (make the purchase). Keep in mind that customers shopping in the store also rely on fashion product reviews.

Most people these days carry smartphones, meaning most customers now have access to the Internet when they’re away from home. It’s easy for a customer to find a product and look for reviews on her phone. So, fashion product reviews are just as crucial for customers making in-store purchases.

Improve Products & Customer Experience

Fashion product reviews also provide brands and retailers with insight into how to improve products and customer experience. When brands and retailers “listen” to these reviews, they have the opportunity to improve and also improve their revenues.

Decrease the Number of Returns

Fashion companies and retailers have a huge challenge in the number of returns they must handle. A large number of returns are made because products didn’t fit right, and about 1/3 of product returns are made because the product didn’t meet buy expectations.

While it’s not possible to completely eliminate returns, one of the best ways to decrease returns is through fashion product reviews. Fashion product reviews provide information that customers can use to make a decision on whether to buy an item or not.

Product descriptions and photos are essential. But customers get more information from product reviews. When customers know what to expect, they have insight into the fit and quality, they’re able to make an informed decision on whether to buy a product or not. With the right information, customers get quality products that meet their expectations, and there’s a decrease in the number of returns the brand and retailer must manage.

Boost Brand Credibility

Fashion product reviews also help increase trust and credibility with customers. When reviews are honest, it makes potential customers trust the brand. And when the products fit the reviews, brand credibility gets a tremendous boost.

When a brand’s products are more trustworthy, customers are happy to return and make additional purchases. They also spread the word that the company is great to buy from and has amazing products. Brand credibility is a powerful way to convince customers to buy.

Fashion product reviews are an essential part of helping customers make informed decisions on their purchases. The better the reviews, the more revenue, and customer satisfaction increase.

What are Customers Looking for in a Fashion Product Review?

So, what information do customers expect to find in a fashion product review? The main point of a fashion product review is to explain how a specific product can benefit the customer. The goal is to provide information about the product so the customer can visualize it. The information needs to assist the customer with understanding how the product can apply to them.

Here are some of the details a shopper may want when reading reviews about fashion items:

Core features: these are the main features of the product. Here, it’s essential to describe the product clearly and include all the important information about the item.

Actions: describe how the product functions and when it should be used.

Size & fit: this information is crucial to shoppers. They want to know how the item will fit their unique body type and size. They may have questions about whether the fabric stretches, feels scratchy, etc.

Quality: a customer also wants to know they’re making a good investment in a product. So, they want to understand whether the quality of the product is worth the asking price.

This is the basic information a customer looks for when reading fashion product reviews. The more detailed the reviews, the more information a customer has to make an informed decision on making the purchase or not.

How to Write a Fashion Product Review

Now, we’re ready to go learn how to write a fashion product review! Let’s get going!

Who is Your Target Audience?

Before you even get started with writing the fashion product review, it’s important to know whom you’re writing for. That means it’s necessary to determine your fashion target audience. Here’s where you create a profile of the customers the product is marketed to.

Here are some questions to help you discover your target audience:

Consider Your Target Audience’s Income

Now, it’s important to consider your target audience’s income. How much money do they have on hand to spend on clothing? Does your target market have a large income? Can they afford to buy pricey items on a regular basis? People who have plenty of money aren’t afraid to splurge on costly products.

Or does your target audience need to economize because they don’t have as much discretionary income? These people need to be more careful with their money and may only buy what’s necessary.

Knowing your target audience helps you to write honest reviews that these individuals will respond to. The more you know about your target market, the better you can write about features that appeal to and benefit them. 

Become Familiar with Fashion Language

Next, it’s important to become familiar with fashion language. It’s essential to learn terms such as “A-line” instead of saying that some “flares out.” Another example is the term “bodice” rather than saying “top.”

If you’re knowledgeable about fashion terms, you can find online resources that can help. For instance, Women’s Wear Daily offers a Fashion Dictionary. You’ll find a wide range of terms related to fashion. You can find these resources by doing a Google search for “where to find fashion terms.”

Fashion terms provide precise information for customers. An “A-line” dress is very different from a maxi dress, for instance, though the maxi may also have an A-line shape. So, learn fashion terms to help customers understand your product descriptions.

While fashion terms can be essential, avoid using jargon. Most customers will not understand fashion jargon, so avoid this at all costs to keep the product review relatable and understandable.

Use Structure

The structure of a fashion review is like other articles; each one has a title, lead, body, and summary. The title should be unbiased and name the product being reviewed. The lead is usually the first paragraph or two to gain a reader’s interest. The body contains information about the fashion product, while the summary captures a brief overview of the product’s description.

Most customers look for a review to follow this pattern. When the information in the review is presented logically in this way, it’s faster and easier for customers to read and absorb.

Why Are You Writing the Fashion Review?

As you consider the article’s structure, ask yourself why you’re writing the fashion review. Asking this question helps to clarify what the review is about and why you’re writing it.

Are you assessing the product’s look, feel, material, fit & size? If so, be sure to discuss these factors in the review.

What season is the product for? Can it be worn in other seasons?

As you write the review, include honest, vivid descriptions of the product. These are needed even if there are one or more images of the fashion item. Words are powerful when it comes to writing a fashion product review.

Use words that are clear and concise. Ensure to differentiate the fashion product from others and other brands. Using these techniques creates a relatable, accurate fashion product review that customers will understand.

Where to Get Your Fashion Product Reviewed?

One of the best ways to get your fashion product reviewed is through bloggers and the media. This allows your products to be targeted to your audience and to gain exposure for your product at the same time.

So, how do you find reviewers for your fashion product? Here are some ways to find reviewers who are interested in writing reviews for apparel and other fashion products.

1. Search for Influencers

Getting the most exposure for your product is essential, so connecting with influencers can make this happen. The key is to find influencers in your industry (fashion). You can do this by searching for them on different platforms, including:

The key is to develop relationships with influencers across their social channels. Another idea is to use a service called Hypermarket. This site connects entrepreneurs with Instagram influencers who want to promote products. You can start for free by signing up for a free account and creating profiles for the products you want to have reviewed.

2. Build Real Relationships

As you identify influencers, it’s essential to build real relationships with them. This is key. No one wants to be used. And when you create real relationships with these individuals, you may be able to help them somewhere down the line.

In fact, you can start by helping them when you first connect with them. You may include them in a blog post, give them a shout-out, and more.

3. Give Out Samples

Another way to get your fashion products reviewed is by giving out samples. Who doesn’t love a free sample? This is a great way to encourage influencers to give you a review. They can try your products for free, and when they see how great your fashion product is, they’ll be happy to write a review!

4. Video Bloggers

Remember, video bloggers can be just as helpful with reviews of fashion products as those bloggers who write! Getting reviewed on different platforms is a great method to gain access to your target audience.

And video blogs allow your audience to see how the product looks and works.

5. Journalism & PR Services

You can also have your fashion products reviewed by journalists and PR services. Journalists sometimes specialize in fashion topics and do reviews, too.

You can find journalists and PR sites through Gorkana. This site allows you to connect with journalists who can help you with reviews and other media requests. It’s free and easy to use!

Now you have some ideas on where to have your fashion products reviewed. In the next section, we’ve created a list of fashion product reviewers!

Fashion Product Reviewer List

We’ve put together a list of fashion product reviewers who may be interested in your fashion products!

1. Schuyler Jones – Vibrant Skies

Shuyler is a model, content creator, and hairstylist. She reviews products related to fashion, beauty, skin care, and hair care. Shuyler is a video blogger who does some creative work!

2. Sarah Lemp

Sarah is a mom of five, an RV renovator, author, and blogger. She does product reviews and has some fashion reviews on her blog.

3. Chelsea Pearl

Chelsea specializes in Amazon product reviews across different categories, including fashion, lifestyle, beauty, home, and more.

4. Tess Daly

Tess is a UK fashion and beauty influencer who partners with famous brands. She creates amazing posts, stories, and video tutorials that include plenty of humor and wit.

5. Gabi Gregg — OG Fat Girl

Gabi primarily works in the plus-size women’s fashion category. You’ll find style clothing for curvy women. She’s also launched her own clothing line called Premme!

It’s essential to find fashion reviewers who do reviews on similar products to yours and who fit your target audience. This is the best way to reach potential customers and get them to know about your brand and your fashion products.

Summing It Up

So, there you have it. Fashion product reviews are extremely popular for both online and in-store shoppers. Fashion reviews need to include fashion terms (without the jargon) and be written in the structure that readers expect. Of course, video blogs also follow a certain structure.

The key is to keep your fashion product review to the point and include the details that help customers make an informed decision on whether to purchase a product or not.

And remember that honest, authentic fashion product reviews are the best for your brand and your products!

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